Property registration
Location database administered by the company Finders is a unique help whether you look for suitable places for film and TV shooting or photographing, or for holding social or cultural events. Speed matters, particularly in the movie and advertising industry, and the location database is the first place that determines the choice of location for the specific project. You can consider the location database as a way to meet the wishes and fantasies of directors, photographers or producers, while getting an interesting earnings as well as unusual experiences.
We are pleased with your visit. If you intend to list your property in our database, please use the registration form.
You will find some answers to your possible questions. For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.
What is a location:
Generally, a location is any place suitable for movie shooting and photographing or holding social or sport events. Variety of projects requires a broad spectrum of locations, be it the interior or exterior of a modern family house or a gothic castle, a busy square or a romantic quiet forest place, possibly a posh restaurant, a theatre hall or a football stadium.
Which property is suitable:
Any apartment, mansion, cottage, office or restaurant may be a suitable location. It may be a building with unique architecture or a place typical for ordinary life. Even properties that are empty or in worse condition may be suitable.
Several criteria are taken into consideration while choosing the location for a specific project. Spacious properties are preferred because the technical exigency of shooting and because the crews are usually numerous. Since Prague is the home position for most projects, locations within 60 km of the capital city are preferred. However, distance does not matter when it comes to stylish and unique places.
What you get by leasing property:
The company Finders offers services for realization of various projects from shooting costly foreign commercials to Czech movies and simple photographing with low budget. The prices for the lease of locations differ depending on the type of event and the character and quality of the location. The prices for the use of an object range from several thousands to tens of thousands Czech crowns per day.
The time of realization on one location is usually 1 day for photographing, 1-2 days for commercials and video-clips, while shooting movies may take several days. The payment for the lease is usually made in cash during the realization. The unusual experience of taking part in movie or commercial shooting and a possible meeting with interesting people and famous actors may become an another significant benefit for you.
Security / Protection of your data:
The company Finders places a maximum emphasis to the protection of all information provided by the locations owners. The data you provide to us serve only for our internal needs. We will never make them available to third parties without your prior express approval.
The reference photos of the locations offered to the clients or those presented at our website have a random number. It is not possible to connect them to the contact information and the actual place.
From property registration to event realization:
By registering your property in our database, you will get a free possibility that it will be used for movie shooting, photographing or social or cultural events. Our company is addressed by production companies, photographers, directors or advertising agencies who look for suitable locations for their projects.
If your property corresponds to the required criteria, we will contact you as to whether you are interested in a specific project and whether such project matches your time possibilities and financial expectations. If you approve, the lease agreement together with the respective essentials will be concluded. Our location manager will be present during the project realization – this person is the connection between yourself and the crew members and is liable for a smooth course of the event. Our company is naturally insured against possible damage. Your satisfaction with the course of the event is important for us so that we can come back with another project in future.
How to register the property:
Please use the prepared form to register your property. Carefully fill in the required data so that your property is listed correctly in our database. Attach photographs that describe our property in the best possible way, ideally from the outside as well as all interior spaces.
How to photograph the property?
The smallest resolution of the photographs is 800x600 pix in JPEG format. These photographs give us a basic idea about the location. After prior agreement with you, we can make professional photographs for the purposes of further presentation.
Mandatory fields *
In order to offer your property (location) for shooting or photographing, we have to have the so-called photographs. These photographs are presented to the project creators, of course without the particular location and contact data. These photographs thus serve to provide a basic visual idea about the location offered.
To speed up listing your property in our database, we would like to ask you as the owners of the property to make the database photographs. We do not expect that your photographs will be professional in quality, but they still have to good. Our experience tells us that the photographs may have a certain influence on the choice of the location.
How to make the location photographs:
- Photograph in daylight without a flashlight. If necessary, use the light sources in the interior (lamps, lustres etc.).
- Use tripod for more sharp pictures
- The ideal resolution of the photographs is 1024x748 pix (it may be larger if you have sufficient internet connection)
- Photograph with as much spacing as possible, ideally the diagonal views from the corners of the rooms (see the drawing)
- Keep the logical sequence of the photographs within the whole property as well as the individual rooms
- Keep in mind that the pictures have to be as descriptive as possible because people who will watch them have never been there.
What to photograph
Due to the variety of the projects, any space in the interior and in the outdoor may be interesting. To help you making an ideal tour of the object, try to imagine that a good acquaintance of yours has come to visit you. You want to show off with your property and show him the uncommon sights, for example the old cellar or the attic (often a much sought-after shooting place). Ideally (for example in a family house) make the photographs of exterior view from the street, garden, entrance hall/foyer, living room, kitchen, bedroom, children’s room, balcony, other rooms, bathroom, stairway, garage, workshop etc.